15 Ucapan Wafat Yesus Kristus dalam Bahasa Inggris untuk Memperingati Jumat Agung

MOMSMONEY.ID - Wafat Yesus Kristus yang jatuh pada tanggal 29 Maret dikenal sebagai Jumat Agung. Momen ini menjadi peristiwa khidmat yang diperingati oleh umat Kristiani di seluruh dunia. 

Jika Anda ingin memberikan ucapan wafat Yesus Kristus, simak artikel ini. Ada beragam ucapan wafat Yesus Kristus yang berisikan harapan dan doa. 

Ucapan wafat Yesus Kristus ini menjadi waktu untuk merenungkan pengorbanan demi penebusan umat manusia. 

Baca Juga: 20 Twibbon Jumat Agung 2024, Memperingati Wafat Yesus Kristus

Nah, berikut ini 15 ucapan tentang wafat Yesus Kristus dalam bahasa Inggris :

1. On this solemn day, we remember the sacrifice of Jesus Christ and the love He showed for all humanity.

2. Good Friday reminds us of the immense suffering endured by Jesus for the sake of our salvation.

3. May the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross inspire us to live lives of love, compassion, and forgiveness.

4. The death of Jesus Christ is a reminder of the power of redemption and the depth of God's love for us.

5. On Good Friday, we reflect on the ultimate act of love demonstrated by Jesus Christ through His sacrificial death.

6. The crucifixion of Jesus Christ serves as a symbol of hope and reconciliation for all mankind.

7. Good Friday teaches us the importance of selflessness and the willingness to lay down one's life for others.

8. As we commemorate the death of Jesus Christ, let us also celebrate the victory of love over sin and death.

9. On this day of mourning, we find solace in the knowledge that Jesus Christ died to give us eternal life.

Baca Juga: 50 Ucapan Selamat Jumat Agung 2023, Cocok Jadi Status dan Caption Medsos

10. Good Friday is a solemn reminder of the suffering endured by Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of our sins.

11. May the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross serve as a source of strength and inspiration for us all.

12. On this holy day, we honor the memory of Jesus Christ and His willingness to bear the weight of our sins.

13. Good Friday is a time to contemplate the depths of God's mercy and the magnitude of Jesus' sacrifice. 

14. The death of Jesus Christ marks the culmination of His earthly mission and the beginning of our redemption. 

15. As we observe Good Friday, let us remember the profound significance of Jesus Christ's death and resurrection.

Jumat Agung menjadi momen sakral dan penting sebelum perayaan Hari Paskah. Itulah beberapa kumpulan ucapan wafat Yesus Kristus dalam bahasa Inggris. 

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Editor: Nur Afitria