JAKARTA. A faction of the Golkar Party led by deputy chairman Agung Laksono has claimed that it “occupied” the party’s headquarters in West Jakarta amid growing divisions between the faction and the camp lead by party chairman Aburizal Bakrie. Agung, who established and led the so-called Presidium to Rescue the Golkar Party, arrived at Golkar headquarters on Wednesday morning followed by several Golkar executives known to be members of his camp. Among them were Golkar Youth Generation (AMPG) chairman Yorrys Raweai as well as lawmakers Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita, Zainudin Amali and Agun Gunandjar.
Deputy chairman Fadel Muhammad and secretary general Idrus Marham, both Aburizal supporters, were seen at the headquarters later in the morning but only for several minutes. “I had a meeting with [Golkar’s] provincial chapters,” Idrus said while leaving the building. Meanwhile, Agung said Aburizal no longer had legitimacy as the leader of the party. “His undemocratic manner and abuse of power are considered to be violations of Golkar’s statute. Hence, he can be dismissed and that was done during our meeting, yesterday,” he said.