Anies-Sandi to provide paternity leave for fathers

JAKARTA. The Jakarta administration’s working unit concluded on Friday a meeting with the transition team of governor and deputy governor-elect Anies Baswedan and Sandiaga Uno to discuss the city’s upcoming mid-term development plan (RPJMD).

The meeting turned boisterous when the head of the transition team, Sudirman Said, said the Anies administration would provide paternity leave for husbands employed in the working units.

Sudirman said husbands were usually occupied with their wives and newborn babies after a birth.

“Even when it’s his first child –he will have to stay alert for 24 hours,” he said to the meeting as reported by

The plan was warmly welcomed by the staff of the working units. Some of them even cheered when hearing the plan.

Offering paternity leave to husbands was one of the ten programs promoted by Anies-Sandiaga during the gubernatorial campaign.

The ten programs were addressed in the meeting by city secretary Saefullah, Jakarta Development Planning Board head Tuty Kusumawaty and members of the City Council M. Taufik and Abraham Lunggana. (dea)

Editor: Sanny Cicilia