Bank Muamalat Eyes Sharp Increase in Multipurpose Financing Disbursement This Year

KONTAN.CO.ID - JAKARTA. PT Bank Muamalat Indonesia Tbk is targeting a 125% outstanding increase in multipurpose financing year on year (YoY) by 2024. In addition, the contribution of multipurpose financing is expected to reach about 20% of Bank Muamalat's total consumer financing portfolio.

Bank Muamalat's SEVP Retail Banking, Dedy Suryadi Dharmawan, said that since last year, Bank Muamalat has been transforming to grow its consumer business. Multipurpose financing will be one of the main contributors.

“To ensure that this target is achieved, we have prepared several strategies. One of them is preparing product features and competitive pricing. With this strategy, we are optimistic that we can become one of the main players in the Sharia Multipurpose product,” he said, on Thursday (22/2).

Baca Juga: Bank Muamalat Targetkan Pembiayaan Multiguna Meningkat Sekitar 125% pada 2024

Dedy explained after Bank Muamalat was appointed as the Salary Disbursement Bank (BPG) for civil servants in government agencies, this pioneer of Islamic banking in Indonesia also targets the disbursement of multipurpose financing to state servants. 

Civil servants who have salary accounts at Bank Muamalat have the opportunity to get multipurpose financing with competitive pricing. In addition to civil servants, other targeted segments are State-Owned Enterprises, educational institutions, and health services.

In addition, Bank Muamalat also remains committed to developing the hajj and Umrah segment. One of them is through the Multiguna ProHajj Plus product which is a financing product for the registration of special hajj quotas commonly known as ONH Plus.

Customers who register for the hajj using ProHajj Plus will immediately get a special hajj quota number for the current year. The ProHajj Plus submission process is relatively easy and the quota management will be assisted by the Special Hajj Worship Organizer (PIHK) which has collaborated with Bank Muamalat.

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In addition to the special hajj financing allocation, Multipurpose at Bank Muamalat can also be used for Umrah worship needs. Umrah package purchases can be made through the Muamalat DIN mobile banking application on the Hijrah Tour feature.

In addition, to expand its network and distribution, Bank Muamalat is converting some cash offices in several regions into Sub-Branch Offices (KCP). 

With an expanded reach, it will certainly make it easier for Bank Muamalat to help the development of the health and education sectors which are also spread throughout Indonesia, especially from the need for financing.

Editor: Syamsul Azhar