JAKARTA. Membership at the Social Security Management Agency (BPJS) topped 130 million persons as of Oct. 24, nearly meeting the year-end target of 131 million. “The number of members is close to our year-end 2014 target, which is 131 million members,” said BPJS director of planning and development Tono Rustiano at a press conference on Thursday as quoted by Antara news agency. During the period from January to August this year, the BPJS also recorded revenue of Rp 25.656 trillion.
Tono said the BPJS had also recorded an increased number of medical centers using BPJS health insurance, up from 16,831 units on Jun. 30 to 17,419 units on Aug. 31. The participating medical facilities included 9,768 community health centers (Puskesmas), 3,590 private clinics, 1,890 polyclinics, 1327 police/military clinics, 836 dentist clinics and local Pratama hospitals, which are hospitals offering only third-class facilities. Tono said that as of Aug. 31, the BPJS had reimbursed members with Rp 24.4 trillion. He also said that the BPJS had been able to reimburse medical bills within 2.95 days.(tah)