Check Traffic Diversion and Road Closure During ASEAN Summit in Jakarta

KONTAN.CO.ID - JAKARTA. The ASEAN Summit will be held in Jakarta from Tuesday 5 to Thursday 7 September 2023. In anticipation of this event, the Directorate of Traffic (Ditlantas) of the Metro Jaya Regional Police along with the Jakarta Transportation Agency (Dishub) have implemented traffic engineering on several main roads traversed by the ASEAN Summit delegation. 

The residents of Jakarta need to be aware of this traffic engineering so they do not get stuck in traffic on the routes taken by the ASEAN Summit delegation.   In addition, there are also several places that should be avoided as they are the locations of the ASEAN Summit. 

So, which roads need to be avoided during the ASEAN Summit? 

Traffic engineering during the ASEAN Summit 

Traffic engineering is implemented before and during the ASEAN Summit to support the accessibility of the delegation. 

Quoting from the NTMC Polri page, traffic engineering in the capital city will take place from 2-7 September 2023. There are 29 roads that will have their traffic flow engineered because they are the routes of the ASEAN Summit delegation traveling from their accommodation to the event location. 

"Later, traffic engineering management will be carried out during the ASEAN Summit," said the Head of Jakarta Transportation Agency, Syafrin Liputo at City Hall, Wednesday (30/8/2023). 

Here is a list of 29 roads that will have traffic engineering during the ASEAN Summit: 

  • Jenderal Sudirman Street 
  • MH Thamrin Street 
  • Gatot Subroto Street 
  • HR Rasuna Said Street 
  • Imam Bonjol Street 
  • HOS Cokroaminoto Street 
  • Galunggung Street 
  • RM Margono Djojohadikoesoemo Street 
  • KH Mas Mansyur Street 
  • Karet Pasar Baru Timur V Street 
  • Karet Pasar Baru Timur II Street 
  • Karet Pasar Baru Timur III Street 
  • Prof Dr Satrio Street West side 
  • Kebon Sirih Street 
  • Wahid Hasyim Street 
  • Gerbang Pemuda Street 
  • Pintu Satu Senayan Street 
  • Asia Afrika Street 
  • Sisingamangaraja Street 
  • Pattimura Street 
  • Trunojoyo Street 
  • Gunawarman Street 
  • Majapahit Street 
  • Ir Juanda Street 
  • Veteran III Street 
  • Medan Merdeka Barat Street 
  • Lingkar Mega Kuningan Street 
  • Lingkar SCBD Street 
  • Setia Budi Tengah Street. 
Six ASEAN Summit locations On the other hand, Syafrin also revealed six places that will be the locations of the ASEAN Summit. 

This information is provided so that the public can avoid these six locations. 

Here is a list of ASEAN Summit locations: 

  • ST Regis Hotel 
  • ASEAN Secretariat Office 
  • Jakarta Convention Center (JCC)
  • Plataran GBK City Forest 
  • Sultan Hotel 
  • Merdeka Palace. 
Principles of traffic engineering Furthermore, Syafrin explained the principles of traffic engineering management during the preparation and during the ASEAN Summit. 

Traffic engineering is carried out when the delegation will go to the event locations. 

When the delegation moves from the accommodation to the event location, road opening and closing will be implemented. 

Road closures, said Syafrin, can last up to two hours. "So, for example, if the delegation will depart at 07.00, then from 06.30 to 08.30 there will be road closures," said Syafrin, quoted from, Tuesday (29/8/2023). 

"We urge the public who are going to travel to avoid six areas and 18 hotels where the delegation is staying, then follow the alternative routes," he continued.

This article has been published on with the title "H-2 ASEAN Summit in Jakarta, Avoid These Roads to Avoid Traffic Jams", Click to read:

Author: Yefta Christopherus Asia Sanjaya Editor : Inten Esti Pratiwi

Editor: Syamsul Azhar