Corby's parole to be decided this week

Corby's parole to be decided this week

JAKARTA. Australian drug trafficker Schapelle Corby's parole application will be decided this week, Law and Human Rights Minister Amir Syamsuddin has said.

"The correctional board has completed the process. It will now be reviewed," Amir said on Wednesday. "I promise that within three days, God willing, I will finish [reviewing] it."

He added, however, that Corby's case was just one of many parole requests, and emphasized that the Australian would not receive special treatment.

"This is not only about Corby. She is just one of 1,700 prisoners [whose requests are being processed]. As long as she follows all the rules and has a recommendation from the correctional board, she will be given her rights," he said, adding that all 1,700 cases would be treated equally.

It is not clear whether Corby has received a recommendation from the correctional authorities in Jakarta.

Agence France Presse reported that Penitentiary Directorate General spokesman Akbar Hadi Prabowo refused to disclose any details, saying that the decision now lay with Amir.

Corby was arrested at Ngurah Rai International Airport in Denpasar, Bali, in October 2004 for carrying 4.2 kilograms of marijuana into Indonesia. She was sentenced to 20 years in prison, and has served time at Kerobokan Penitentiary in Badung regency, Bali. (Ina Parlina)

Editor: Asnil Amri