Data ekonomi global ini bisa pengaruhi indeks

KONTAN.CO.ID - JAKARTA. Pergerakan IHSG pada pekan depan diperkirakan akan berada pada kisaran level support 5.855-5.895 dan resistance 5.956-5.966. Reza Priyambada Analis Binaartha Parama Sekuritas menyatakan meski pada akhir pekan terjadi pelemahan, namun secara mingguan laju IHSG cenderung menguat seiring terjaganya aksi beli.

"Pada pekan depan, jika aksi beli ini dapat kembali terjaga, maka IHSG masih berkesempatan untuk kembali menguat," terang Reza dalam riset yang diterima KONTAN, Sabtu (15/10).

Data ekonomi berikut bisa menjadi sentimen pasar sepanjang pekan ini:

1. Indonesia: (16/10) Neraca dagang; (18/10) Pertumbuhan kredit; (19/10) Lending facility rate, interest rate decision, deposit facility rate; (20/10) FDI

2. China: (16/10) Inflation rate, PPI, new yuan loans, outstanding loan growth, M2 money supply; (18/10) 19th National congress of the communist party of China; (19/10) Fixed asset investment, industrial production, retail sales, GDP growth rate

3. Australia: (17/10) New motor vehicle sales, RBA meeting minutes, westpac leading index; (18/10) Unemployment rate, participation rate

4. Jepang: (16/10) Industrial production, tankan index; (18/10) Exports, Imports, balance of trade; (19/10) All industry activity index

5. Korea Selatan: (16/10) Export & import prices; (17/10) Unemployment rate; (18/10) Interest rate decision; (19/10) PPI

6. Jerman: (16/10) Wholesale prices; (17/10) ZEW economic sentiment index, ZEW current conditions; (20/10) PPI

7. Spanyol: (20/10) Balance of trade

8. Inggris: (17/10) PPI output, inflation rate, retail price index, PPI input; (18/10) Unemployment rate, claimant count change; (19/10) Retail sales; (20/10) Public sector net borrowing

9. Italia: (17/10) Balance of trade, balance of trade; (20/10) Current account

10. Zona Euro: (16/10) Balance of trade; (17/10) ZEW economic sentiment index, inflation rate; (18/10) Construction output; (20/10) Current account

11. AS: (16/10) NY Empire state manufacturing index; (17/10) Import prices, export prices, redbook, capacity utilization, manufacturing production, industrial production, NAHB housing market, foreign bond investment, API weekly crude oil stock; (18/10) MBA mortgage applications, housing starts, building permits, EIA crude oil stocks change, Fed beige book; (19/10) Philadelphia Fed manufacturing index, initial jobless claims, CB leading index; (20/10) Existing home sales

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Editor: Wahyu T.Rahmawati