Energy deputy minister Widjajono dies at 60

Energy deputy minister Widjajono dies at 60

JAKARTA. Energy and Mineral Resources Deputy Minister Widjajono Partowidagdo passed away on Saturday afternoon after suffering a heart attack during a trip to Mount Tambora in Sumbawa, West Nusa Tenggara.

The Bandung Institute of Technology professor was 60 years old.

The former member of the country’s energy council reportedly fainted after hiking on the mountain with the ministry’s team of volcanologists.

Susyanto, an official from the energy ministry’s public relations office, was quoted by as saying that Widjajono was declared dead by a medical team that helped evacuate him.

Widjajano is survived by his wife, Ninasapti Tri Aswati and his daughter, Christal Amalia. (asa/mtq/TheJakartaPost)
