JAKARTA. National Law Commission (KHN) member Fajrul Falaakh, 54, an expert on constitutional law, passed away at Harapan Kita Hospital at around 1:10 p.m. on Wednesday. “His body is being laid to rest at his private residence at Jl. Dato Tonggara No. 8 Kramat Jati, Jakarta,” Fajrul’s younger brother, Muhammad Romahurmuziy, or Romy, said via text message in Jakarta on Wednesday, as quoted by Antara news agency. He did not provide details on the cause of death, though Fajrul had been suffering from an illness. On behalf of his family, Romy sought to apologize for any mistakes his brother might have made during his life. “May God give him a peaceful rest,” said the United Development Party (PPP) secretary general.
Fajrul was a lecturer at the Gadjah Mada University (UGM) School of Law in Yogyakarta and was widely known as a preeminent expert of constitutional law. Fajrul was born in Gresik, East Java, on April 2, 1959. He graduated from the UGM School of Constitutional Law in 1983 and pursued his master's degree in the UK and the US. He has been a member of the Indonesian Advocates Association (Peradi)’s Honorary Board since 2008, and was active as a member on the Centre for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) Advisory Board since 2007. He has been a KHN member since 2000. (ebf)