Five Transjakarta bus corridors resume operations

Five Transjakarta bus corridors resume operations

JAKARTA. Five out of 11 Transjakarta bus corridors have resumed operations after temporarily being halted by widespread flooding across Jakarta.

Transjakarta Bus Rapid Transit Management Authority (BLU) chief Muhammad Akbar said the five corridors comprised Corridor 4 (Pulo Gadung, East Jakarta to Dukuh Atas, Central Jakarta), Corridor 6 (Ragunan, South Jakarta to Dukuh Atas), Corridor 7 (Kampung Melayu to Kampung Rambutan, East Jakarta), Corridor 9 (Pinang Ranti, East Jakarta to Pluit, North Jakarta) and Corridor 10 (Tanjung Priok, North Jakarta to Cililitan, East Jakarta).

He said the first three buses, serving Corridor 4, departed at 8:40 a.m. from three stations, Pulo Gadung, Dukuh Atas and TU Gas in East Jakarta, while buses working Corridor 7 departed from the Cililitan bus station.

Akbar said the buses serving Corridor 6 operated only as far as the Gor Sumantri bus stop in South Jakarta because the next stop, Kuningan Madya, was still closed due to flooding.

Buses serving Corridor 9 have been forced to terminate at the Slipi Petamburan bus stop because they cannot pass through the Grogol area to reach their final stop in Pluit, North Jakarta.

Busses serving Corridor 10 were also forced to skip bus stops between Plumpang, North Jakarta, and Pulomas, East Jakarta, using the Rawasari toll road instead.

"We apologize for the inconvenience. We hope we can fully resume full operations soon,” Akbar said as quoted by

(cor/swd/ The Jakarta Post)
