JAKARTA. National flag-carrier Garuda Indonesia has finished its service to fly Indonesian haj pilgrims to and from Saudi Arabia during the 2014 haj season with a 90.8-percent on-time performance (OTP) rate, 10.8 percent higher than the company's target. “Our aircraft with flight number GA2208 from Jeddah, which landed in Makassar [South Sulawesi] at 1:15 p.m. [local time] on Thursday, is the last phase of haj pilgrim groups that we are managing this year,” Garuda vice president communications Pujobroto told The Jakarta Post on Friday. With the arrival of the last Makassar group, the carrier has provided flight services to 82,809 haj pilgrims from 10 points across the country.
The carrier transported pilgrims to Saudi Arabia from the first day of September to Sept. 28 and flew them home between Oct. 9 and Nov.6, 2014, Pujobroto said. “For pilgrims who departed from Jakarta and Medan [North Sumatra] this season, we provided direct flight services from Madinah from Oct. 23 to Nov. 6,” he said.