Government Guarantees IKN Project Through PPP Scheme

KONTAN.CO.ID-JAKARTA. The government will guarantee projects in the State Capital (IKN) Nusantara through a cooperation scheme between the government and business entities (KPBU). Later, PT Infrastructure Guarantee Indonesia (PII) will be mandated by the Ministry of Finance to carry out guarantees for projects in the new state capital.

Currently, the President Director of PT PII, Wahid Sutopo, said that the guarantee scheme for IKN Nusantara projects is still under discussion. "The IKN guarantee has its own scheme, there are regulations from the finance minister (PMK) itself. Even though it has not been executed yet, the discussion has started," said Wahid, Friday (8/12).

He said, there are already some investors who are interested in investing in IKN through the KPBU scheme. And, PII is ready to guarantee these projects. "If a guarantee scheme is needed, discussions and preparations have already been made," he revealed.

The government itself has provided state capital participation (PMN) totaling IDR 10.65 trillion from 2009 to 2023, to increase the business capacity and financial ability of PII in carrying out guarantees. Of this amount, IDR 9.08 trillion is intended for the main mandate guarantee, both KPBU and non-KPBU schemes, and as much as IDR 1.57 trillion for the assignment of national economic recovery (PEN).  

Editor: Syamsul Azhar