Harvest Festival Begins, Ministry of Agriculture Ensures Sufficient Rice Stock

KONTAN.CO.ID - JAKARTA. Several regions in the rice production centers have started to enter the harvest season. The Director of Cereals of the Directorate General of Food Crops of the Ministry of Agriculture, Ismail Wahab, ensures that the harvest will supply the national rice needs. 

"The amount of production at the beginning of 2024, from January to March, will still supply the national needs," said Ismail in a press release, on Monday (26/2). 

Overall, in February, the predicted rice production is around 2.4 million tons of Dry Milled Grain (GKG). Then in March 2024, rice production is predicted to be 6.1 million tons-GKG and the prediction for April is even higher than March.

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"For example, in East Java, Ngawi has started to enter the harvest season and is ready to produce. Ngawi is one of the national production centers,” revealed Ismail. 

In East Java, the harvest of 239 thousand hectares of rice is predicted in March 2024, and 300 thousand hectares are predicted to be harvested in April.

Therefore, he affirmed that this harvest season is capable of meeting the national rice needs. Even according to him, the rice harvest in March will produce as much as 3.51 million tons of rice. 

"The prediction for March will produce about 3.51 million tons of rice and in April it will be even higher,” concluded Ismail.

Editor: Syamsul Azhar