Identify Geopolitical Landscape and Economic Volatility As Main Challenges

KONTAN.CO.ID -  JAKARTA. The Executives' Global Network (EGN), a peer-based network of executive members, continues to strengthen its presence in the Indonesian market since the establishment of its Indonesian branch in March 2022.

To date, EGN Indonesia’s membership has grown to 152 members, consisting of business owners and executives from diverse leading enterprises across various industries.

“Upon our initial entry into the Indonesian market in March 2022, our mission was clear: to help leaders in making each other better. This objective has been our enduring motto since 1992, dedicated to empowering leaders to get the boosts they need to make a difference, offer unique value, and further contribute to their personal and organizations’ success,” said Dona Amelia, Co-Founder and Managing Director, EGN Indonesia. 

EGN’s success in attracting members can be attributed to the distinctive peer-based networks it offers, providing leaders with the opportunity to leverage the collective experience of those within their designated groups. 

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This allows them to learn from challenges and problems from peers at similar professional levels who work for similar-sized companies. This resonates with the findings of a recent survey by EGN Indonesia, where a resounding 80% of its members affirmed the value of peer-based networks as an avenue to learn from other member’s profound experiences, diverse perspectives, and a wealth of knowledge.

Moreover, around three quarters of the respondents agree that the meaningful discussions that happen during EGN’s group meetings constitute the primary distinguishing factor that sets EGN apart from other networking organizations. 

In fact, a member shared an experience during the survey wherein a problem discussed in one of the peer group meetings closely mirrored a challenge that they were facing in their company. They embraced the solutions shared by their fellow members and it indeed proved effective in assisting them in resolving the issue at hand within their organization.

“Our focus extends beyond numerical growth to the impacts we deliver to our members. This becomes increasingly crucial, particularly as the business communities are facing geopolitical challenges and economic volatility that could directly affect their organizations. Another trend that we recognize is the executives' readiness to invest in their own professional relations by joining a professional network like EGN, rather than relying on their companies to do so,” Dona added.

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The average tenure of employment for professionals is decreasing, marking the conclusion of an era where executives dedicated decades to a single company. Job security is now often perceived as an illusion, with widespread layoffs becoming increasingly common. Executives are not immune to this trend and are progressively seeking to join professional networks as a proactive response.

Additionally, the survey identifies the political landscape and economic volatility as their foremost concerns as they enter 2024. It also highlights that challenges such as the availability of skilled labor, global recession, and a deficiency in readiness for adopting Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies are among the prominent issues that businesses are expected to encounter this year.

“AI and other digital technologies stand out as pivotal trends to anticipate this year, as emphasized by our members in the survey. This is why we place significant emphasis on carefully selecting discussion topics for our peer group meetings and workshops. The goal is to make sure that our members are able to gain valuable insights to aid them in navigating through the emerging trends and challenges,” said Dona.

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Currently, EGN Indonesia members are provided with 6 in-person peer group meetings, 6 in-person cross-functional events, over 24 virtual regional events, and 4 networking events each year. Moreover, each peer group is assembled by EGN’s experienced networking specialists to ensure that it matches the members’ seniority level.

Editor: Noverius Laoli