Indomobil (IMAS) began to explore the mining business

Indomobil (IMAS) began to explore the mining business

KONTAN.CO.ID - JAKARTA. Management of PT Indomobil Sukses Internasional Tbk (IMAS) began to explore the mining business.

Through its subsidiary PT Wahana Inti Selaras (Wisel), IMAS took over 97.5% of the shares of PT Prima Sarana Gemilang (PSG). PSG is a coal contracting company. On June 25, 2019, Wisel and PT Tritunggal Intipermata, which owned 97.5% of the shares of PSG sold all of their shares (292,500 shares).

"The value of the share takeover transaction is Rp. 295 billion," wrote Director of PT Indomobil Sukses Internasional Tbk, Jusak Kertowidjojo, in the information disclosure report to the Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI) on Thursday (27/6).

So far, IMAS has a heavy equipment business line with significant contributions.

During January-March, IMAS recorded sales of cars, trucks and heavy equipment to third parties valued at Rp. 2.48 trillion. Sales of cars, trucks, and heavy machinery to related parties reached Rp. 72.19 billion. So, the total value of sales of cars, trucks and heavy equipment reaches Rp 2.55 trillion. This value is equivalent to 54.26% of IMAS's total sales during the first quarter of 2019, which reached IDR 4.70 trillion.

On the other hand, PSG is a coal mining contractor company. So far, they have a close relationship with IMAS heavy equipment division products.

IMAS sees at least three benefits of the acquisition of PSG. First, PSG's position is very strategic for Indomobil. PSG's need for heavy equipment is a significant market share for IMAS. Second, transactions strengthen the synergy of the IMAS heavy equipment division and the PSG business. Third, the takeover of PSG strengthens the business structure of IMAS.

However, this transaction plan also has risks. Coal is a fluctuating price commodity related to global coal supply and demand. "We mitigate this risk with the PSG sales contracts which are mostly long-term," said Jusak.

This acquisition is an affiliate transaction as stipulated in Bapepam and LK Regulation Number IX.E.1 concerning Affiliated Transactions and Conflicts of Interest for Certain Transactions.

So far, Trinity Intipermata has 18.17% of IMAS shares. Conversely, IMAS controls 86% of Wisel's shares indirectly through PT IMG Sejahtera Langgeng. At the same time, IMAS also owned 14% of Wisel's shares directly.

Editor: Hasbi Maulana