KONTAN.CO.ID - JAKARTA. Indonesia has approved a revised development plan by Malaysia's Genting Oil & Gas for the first phase of its gas project in West Papua following changes in production estimates, the energy ministry said in a statement on Wednesday. Under the revised plan, the estimated gas in place for Asap, Kido and Merah structures in West Papua's Kasuri block rose to 2,673.7 billion standard cubic feet from 1,735 BSCFD previously, Energy Minister Arifin Tasrif said in the statement. Baca Juga: India Central Bank Hikes Rates 25 bps as Expected, Hints More Could Come
"Production from this field will be utilised by a fertiliser plant in Papua and for a liquefied natural gas plant," Arifin said. Genting Oil & Gas also signed an initial agreement with an Indonesian state-controlled fertiliser producer, Pupuk Kaltim, to supply 102 billion British thermal units of gas per day to its $1.5 billion fertiliser plant, the statement said.