Indonesia Secures IDR 107.6 Trillion in New Debt Issuance for January 2024

KONTAN.CO.ID - JAKARTA. The Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) recorded a realization of debt financing or new debt withdrawal through debt issuance in January 2024 amounting to IDR 107.6 trillion.

This realization increased by about 7.62% compared to the realization of debt issuance in January 2023 which reached IDR 99.4 trillion.

Deputy Minister of Finance Suahasil Nazara said the realization of debt financing of IDR 107.6 trillion reached 16.6% of this year's target of IDR 648.1 trillion.

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“Budget financing has been realized at IDR 107.6 trillion in January 2024,” said Suahasil in a press conference, Thursday (22/2).

Suahasil conveyed that the government will continue to monitor the development of financial market dynamics, so that the issuance of government securities (SBN) can be done efficiently, and risk mitigation is carried out at the global level.

“We continue to synergize with Bank Indonesia and will continue to finance prudently, flexibly, and look for the right opportunities, and measured according to the target in the state budget,” he revealed.

The flexibility referred to is by ensuring the right time in issuing debt securities, the amount, the instrument, and also the currency mix.

Editor: Syamsul Azhar