Indonesia State Expenditure Realization Reaches IDR 470.3 Trillion as of March 15

Indonesia State Expenditure Realization Reaches IDR 470.3 Trillion as of March 15

KONTAN.CO.ID – JAKARTA. The Indonesian Ministry of Finance reports that the realization of state spending up to March 15, 2024, has reached IDR 470.3 trillion.

Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati said that this realization reached 14.1% of the target, also experiencing a growth of 18.1% from the same period last year.

“The realization of state spending is mostly by central government spending,” said Sri Mulyani in our APBN press conference, Monday (25/3).

The realization of state spending consists of two components, including central government spending and transfers to regions.

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For central government spending, the realization reached IDR 328.9 trillion or reached 13.3% of the ceiling. This realization also grew by 17% from the same period last year.

This central government spending consists of Ministry/Institution (K/L) spending, the realization of which reached IDR 165.4 trillion or 15.2% of the target. The distribution of this spending is used for social assistance distribution and election implementation.

Then non-K/L spending realization reached IDR 163.4 trillion, or 11.9% of the ceiling. This realization is influenced by the realization of energy subsidies and pension benefit payments.

Lastly, the realization of transfers to regions (TKD) reached IDR 141.4 trillion or grew by 20.5% from the same period last year.

“This transfer to regions is almost a third of central government spending. Through the regional budget, we assist local governments in carrying out their duties and functions,” said Sri Mulyani.

Editor: Khomarul Hidayat