KONTAN.CO.ID - JAKARTA. Indonesian state oil company PT Pertamina is set to test the production of jet fuel made up of 3% palm oil by the end of the year, Chief Executive Nicke Widyawati said on Thursday. The comments come a week after the company announced its first batch of biodiesel using feedstock of 100% palm (D100) in its Dumai refinery, saying it would produce 1,000 barrels per day (bpd). "The green jet fuel trial is part of the roadmap for Pertamina's biorefinery development in order to realise green energy in Indonesia," Widyawati said in a statement.
The new jet fuel will be made in Pertamina's existing facilities in Cilacap by "co-processing" crude oil with 3% refined, bleached and deodorised palm oil (RBDO), she said. Read Also: Indonesia investment chief questions ASEAN pact as FDI falls Like Pertamina's D100, Indonesia plans to eventually produce "green" jet fuel made up of 100% palm oil through processing RBDO straight into its refineries using catalytic cracking and hydrogen gas. Pertamina is developing two "biorefineries" in Cilacap and Plaju with an output capacity of 6,000 bpd and 20,000 bpd to produce diesel and jet fuel made with 100% palm oil.