KONTAN.CO.ID - JAKARTA. According to a stress test conducted by Bank Indonesia (BI), the resilience of the banking and corporate sectors remains robust in the face of various pressures. This strong banking condition can mitigate the impact of global financial market uncertainty on the stability of the financial system. In response to these findings, Eko Listiyanto, Deputy Director of the Institute for Development of Economics and Finance (Indef), believes that the current general banking condition still has the resilience to dampen the impact of the heating global economy.
Baca Juga: Indonesian Banking Industry Offers Lower Loan Interest Than Fintech The banking condition is also considered to have still the resilience to dampen the average ratio of capital adequacy or Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR). However, Eko believes that the consequence of this global uncertainty increase will cause the credit growth rate to slow down. “The target credit growth rate is likely to be corrected to below 10%,” Eko told Kontan on Wednesday (24/4).