JAKARTA. Japanese Ambassador to Indonesia Yasuaki Tanizaki has asked Industry Minister Saleh Husin to hurry the construction of the Cilamaya Port in Karawang, West Java, in order to facilitate the smooth flow of industrial goods in and out of Indonesia. “Japan is asking that the Indonesian government accelerate the construction of the Cilamaya Port and it says that more initiatives are needed to develop industrial infrastructure,” Industry Ministry director general for international industry cooperation Agus Tjahajana said on Thursday. Agus added that Japan was willing to assist in developing and constructing the port if it needed to, but there were as yet no plans to do so.
Meanwhile, Tanizaki commented that Japanese companies and state-owned enterprises have stepped up their large-scale investment projects in Indonesia and he voiced hope that small and medium-sized Japanese businesses would continue to invest in the archipelago to help improve its investment structure.