JAKARTA. Indonesia’s largest media conglomerate, Kompas Gramedia, announced on Tuesday that it would hold Jelajah Sepeda, a two-week-long bicycle tour that aims to promote healthy lifestyles as well as the natural beauty of Sulawesi. Kompas deputy chief editor Budiman Tanuredjo said that 50 cyclists from 35 bike communities across Indonesia would participate in the 1,500-kilometer-long tour from Manado in North Sulawesi to Makassar in South Sulawesi, set to take place from Aug. 18 to Aug. 31. One rider from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, will also reportedly participate in the event. “We are holding this event because we want to endorse all Indonesians cycling in their daily lives. Bike riding not only makes our bodies healthier but also saves the environment,” Budiman said during a press conference on Tuesday.
He said a number of both print and electronic publications would cover the bicycle tour, which is also being held to celebrate the 49th anniversary of Kompas Gramedia. Meanwhile, the tour will aim to inform people about the beauty of Sulawesi island, which has long been identified with violent conflicts, such as the one in Poso regency, Central Sulawesi. Budiman said that among activities on the tour would be a visit to Poso. “It’s very beautiful. People have to know such a fact,” said Budiman. Last year, Kompas Gramedia held a 1,593-kilometer-long bicycle tour from Sabang in Aceh to Padang in West Sumatra, and plans to hold a similar tour next year from Sabang to Merauke in Papua. (alz/ebf)