KPK has yet to detain Angelina

KPK has yet to detain Angelina

JAKARTA. Indonesia’s top anti-graft body has yet to detain Angelina Sondakh despite many calls to reveal the lawmaker’s role in a graft case surrounding the SEA Games athletes’ village in South Sumatra, high-rank official says.

Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) deputy chairman Bambang Widjojanto said Tuesday that the investigators had yet to decide whether Angelina will be put under the agency’s custody even though the former beauty queen will be summoned for questioning this week on Friday.

KPK named the Democratic Party politician as a graft suspect in the case in early February.

“We are just about to summon her for questioning. We could not decide whether we will detain her [Angelina] or not before we find out the [interrogation’s] result,” Bambang said as quoted by

The bureau is scheduled to question several witnesses to testify against Angelina on Wednesday, including graft convict Mindo Rosalina Manulang.

Rosalina, a former right-hand of infamous graft convict Muhammad Nazaruddin, allegedly arranged bribes with Angelina to be paid to a number of lawmakers to award a Rp 191 million (US$22.3 million) contract to build the athletes’ village for the sports event.

Angelina is the legislator from the House’s Commission X overseeing education, youth affairs, sports, tourism, art and culture. (asa/ued/The Jakarta Post)
