JAKARTA. The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) says it has started to trace sources of money in the account of tax corruption defendant Gayus Tambunan, by requesting help from the Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Center (PPATK). KPK spokesman Johan Budi SP said the sources of the Rp 28 billion in Gayus' bank accounts was among evidence implicating the former tax officer that hadn't been pursued by police investigators so far. “We are studying allegations that have not been followed up by police investigators [with the help of the PPATK],” Johan said. The move to trace the sources of the money, Johan said, was in response to calls from anticorruption activists including the Coalition for Civil Society, which had urged the KPK to take over the investigation amid the apparent incompetence of the police institution and judiciary. Previous reports revealed that Gayus had bribed prison guards and had been able to slip out of his cell to go on vacation, including to overseas destinations, while he was supposed to have been detained at Kelapa Dua Police Detention Center in Depok, West Java. (Ina Parlina/The Jakarta Post)
KPK invites PPATK to trace sources of Gayus’ money

JAKARTA. The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) says it has started to trace sources of money in the account of tax corruption defendant Gayus Tambunan, by requesting help from the Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Center (PPATK). KPK spokesman Johan Budi SP said the sources of the Rp 28 billion in Gayus' bank accounts was among evidence implicating the former tax officer that hadn't been pursued by police investigators so far. “We are studying allegations that have not been followed up by police investigators [with the help of the PPATK],” Johan said. The move to trace the sources of the money, Johan said, was in response to calls from anticorruption activists including the Coalition for Civil Society, which had urged the KPK to take over the investigation amid the apparent incompetence of the police institution and judiciary. Previous reports revealed that Gayus had bribed prison guards and had been able to slip out of his cell to go on vacation, including to overseas destinations, while he was supposed to have been detained at Kelapa Dua Police Detention Center in Depok, West Java. (Ina Parlina/The Jakarta Post)