KPK reenacts judge bribery scandal

JAKARTA. The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) conducted on Tuesday a reenactment surrounding a bribe case that implicates former Bandung District Court deputy head Setyabudi Cahyono and Bandung Mayor Dada Rosada.

The reconstruction took place at the Bandung Corruption Court in West Java, where Setyabudi was caught red-handed accepting bribe money from Dada via a courier named Asep Triana.

"The reenactment process could last until Friday," KPK spokesman Johan Budi told a press conference at the KPK's headquarters in Kuningan, South Jakarta.

He added that the reenactment aimed to trace the bribe from Dada's close aide, Toto Hutagalung, and Bandung Asset and Finance Management head Hery Nurhayat, both of whom allegedly acted as middlemen in the case by following up on instructions from Dada to collect the bribe money.

Setyabudi, Asep, Toto and Hery have all been named suspects in the case, while Dada was later declared a suspect for masterminding the bribe, which was allegedly paid to Setyabudi, during an investigation into the alleged misappropriation of Rp 40 billion (US$4.4 million) of social aid funds.

The bribe was allegedly intended for the judge so that he would not mention Dada or other Bandung administrative staff members as being implicated in the social aid fund case.

After allegedly accepting the bribe, Setyabudi, who previously served as Tanjung Pinang District Court head in Riau Islands, handed down lenient sentences to the seven Bandung officials implicated in the case, sentencing each of them to only one year in prison.
