KPK to quiz Ari Malangjudo over vote buying

KPK to quiz Ari Malangjudo over vote buying

JAKARTA. The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) plans to question PT Wahana Esa Sembada director Ari Malangjudo as a witness to the central bank vote-buying case on Monday.

The case relates to the election of Miranda Swaray Goeltom to the post of Bank Indonesia’s senior deputy governor.

KPK spokesman Priharsa Nugraha said Ari had been summoned a week earlier but he failed to show up.

Ari - who once worked at the PT Wahana Esa Sejati palm-oil company owned by businesswoman Nunun Nurbaeti — previously testified that he, acting on Nunun’s orders, helped her distribute hundreds of checks worth Rp 20.85 billion to lawmakers who oversaw finance and banking affairs, to vote for Miranda in 2004. (The Jakarta Post)
