KPK urged to summon Ibas following testimony

JAKARTA. An antigraft watchdog has called on the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) to question Edhie “Ibas” Baskoro Yudhoyono without delay, following a statement by graft convict Yulianis, former deputy financial director at the Permai Group, accusing the President’s son of accepting US$200,000 from the company. Indonesian Forum for Budget Transparency (FITRA) researcher Uchok Sky Khadafi said the KPK should follow up on Yulianis’ testimony to determine whether Yudhoyono’s youngest son was implicated in a graft case. “The KPK should find out where the money came from and how it ended up in Ibas’ hands,” Ucok said as quoted by on Sunday. Ucok said that by launching an investigation into Ibas, the KPK would demonstrate its independence and impartiality. He added, however, that the KPK was choosy in picking its battles. “It seems like the KPK hesitates to investigate people with close connections to power. But if those people work in opposition to that power, the KPK could resolutely act against them,” Uchok said. At a trial hearing last week at the Jakarta Corruption Court on the graft case surrounding the procurement of laboratory equipment for several universities, Yulianis said the Permai Group wired Ibas $200,000, money that was allegedly pooled from the Hambalang project. The money was reportedly used to finance the Democratic Party congress in Bandung in 2010, at which Anas Urbaningrum was elected chairman. She said that records about the money transfer had been saved on his personal computer and laptop, both of which were confiscated by the KPK. Ibas has denied the accusation, saying he did not know Yulianis and adding that the allegation was an attempt to smear his reputation. “I have often been accused [of being involved in graft cases], over, for instance, money from the Bank Century case, Hambalang, and others. I hope this [allegation] won’t be repeated because I didn’t accept anything,” Ibas told reporters on Saturday. Ibas said that someone else could have accepted the money. “I chaired the steering committee for the Bandung congress and I didn’t accept any money. I am certainly curious about who received the money, especially if my name was abused,” Ibas said. “I wonder whether political interests are behind this disclosure.” The KPK had previously received reports alleging that members of Yudhoyono’s family were involved in graft. One of the allegations stated that Ibas had accepted $900,000 from former Democratic Party treasurer Muhammad Nazaruddin between Jan. 18 and Dec. 29, 2010. Former secretary-general of the National Defense Council, Lt. Gen. (ret.) M. Yasin, who is also a Yudhoyono loyalist, accused Yulianis of lying and called on her to withdraw her statement. “I have known Ibas since he was very young. It is impossible that he would have accepted [the money]. I know that Ibas wouldn’t do such a thing,” he said.
