New Fleet Strengthens the Navy, Indonesia Buys British Submarine Rescue Ship

KONTAN.CO.ID - JAKARTA. Indonesia continues to strengthen its defense system. The purchase of weapons and combat equipment is continually carried out by Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto. 

The latest news is that Prabowo is making another breakthrough to strengthen the capabilities of the Indonesian Navy (TNI AL) by purchasing a submarine rescue vessel.

The TNI AL will soon receive new equipment in the form of a Submarine Rescue Vehicle System (SRVS), a submarine designed to evacuate the crew of a sunken submarine or those experiencing problems at the bottom of the sea. 

The Indonesian Ministry of Defense and PT BTI Indo Tekno have signed a contract for the procurement of the SRVS on September 1, 2023. 

This agreement includes the provision of an advanced technology rescue submarine, the SRV-F Mk.3, as well as a special mothership designed to support emergency submarine rescue missions.

As an illustration, submarines are strategic weapons that play an important role for Navies around the world, including the Indonesian Navy. 

The Indonesian Navy, with the Submarine Operations Command (Koopkasel) as the operator of the submarine fleet in Indonesia, will soon be equipped with operational support equipment for submarines in the form of SRVS.

The SRV-F Mk.3 is a modern rescue submarine made by Submarine Manufacturing Products Ltd. (SMP) UK. This rescue submarine carries the concept of "One Out, All Out." With this concept, the SRV-F Mk.3 is designed to be able to rescue the entire submarine crew in one trip. 

This is possible because the capacity of the SRV-F Mk.3 includes 50 passengers and 3 crew to operate it. 

The SRV-F Mk.3 also has a "hybrid" design, allowing it to be carried by a mothership, as well as by airplane, and land transportation, providing a significant advantage over other systems.

The SRV-F Mk.3 will be carried by a mothership, which is also equipped with various advanced equipment, such as a "dedicated decompression chamber." 

The mothership to be operated by Koopkasel is capable of supporting submarine rescue operations, as well as the ability to provide first aid with medical support to the submarine crew who are successfully rescued.

With the signing of the SRVS contract, Indonesia will become the operator of the most advanced SRVS in the region, boosting the capabilities and combat readiness of the Indonesian submarine fleet, and ensuring the safety of the crew operating it.  

Editor: Syamsul Azhar