JAKARTA. Business financing at this year is pretty heavy for multi-finance industries, including PT Adira Dinamika Multifinance. At the first nine months of this year, new loans of Adira Finance are only up 3% comparing to the same period last year. Adira Finance Director Hadeli Hafid said, the new finance portfolio from the period the beginning of the year until the end of September reached Rp 25,5 trillion. This number is slightly higher than the same period last year of Rp 24.8 trillion. Hafid said that the mini growth is related with slowing growth in the automotive market. It is directly impact on the booking new loans in almost every multifinance. “The growth of automotive market is not as big as we expected,” Hadeli said on Tuesday (7/10).
The macroeconomic economic growth tends to slow since the beginning of this year. Moreover the political year made the market wait and see. The cost of funds is also more expensive. Though, the funding is easy to get, but the liquidity is getting tight. Because of this, he predicts, the growth of new financing until the end of this year will not reach double digits. Adira Finance is pursuit growth about 8% at this year.