JAKARTA. Jakarta Traffic Police have prepared some alternative traffic routes to anticipate mass rallies in the capital on May Day, which falls on Tuesday. Bekasi-based labor activist Obon Tabroni said on Sunday that some 35,000 workers from Bekasi would join the May Day rallies in Jakarta. An additional 100,000 workers, from unions like the Confederation of Indonesian Workers Union (KSPI) and the Federation of Indonesian Metal Workers’ Union (FPSMI), plan to join the rallies as well.
Chairman of the Confederation of Indonesian Workers Union (KSPI), Said Iqbal, said that the protesters would represent up to 170 million workers across Indonesia. Students and human rights activists have also pledged to participate in Tuesday's rallies. There will be four main locations prone to traffic jams, the State Palace, the Hotel Indonesia circle, the House of Representatives, and the Bung Karno sports complex. 1. State Palace: A. Traffic from Jl. Hayam Wuruk will be rerouted through; 1) Jl. Suryo Parnoto - Cideng - Tanah Abang 2) Jl. Ir. H. Juanda - Jl. Veteran/Jl. Kathedral B. Traffic from Thamrin will be rerouted through: 1) Jl. KH Wahid Hasyim/Jl. Kebon Sirih - Jl. Cideng Barat - Jl. Suryopranoto 2) Jl. Kebon Sirih/MMS - Jl. M Ridwan Rais - Jl. MMT - Jl. Perwira 3) Jl. Budi Kemuliaan - Jl. Tanah Abang Timur - Jl. Abdul Muis 2. Hotel Indonesia traffic circle: A. Traffic from Jl. Jend Sudirman will be rerouted through: Jl. Teluk Betung - Jl. Kebon Kacang or Dukuh atas - Jl. Kendal B. Traffic from Jl. Jend Sudirman will be rerouted through: Dukuh Atas - Tn. Abang - Jl. Galunggung. 3. House of Representatives: A. Traffic from Semanggi will be rerouted through: Semanggi - Jl. Gerbang Pemuda - Jl. Gelora - Jl. Gelora 1/Jl. Palmerah Utara.