Regarding Tapera, the Indonesian Government Regrets Making the People Angry

KONTAN.CO.ID - JAKARTA. Basuki Hadimuljono, the Minister of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR), has expressed regret over the public backlash caused by the People's Housing Savings (Tapera) policy.

Basuki also admitted that Government Regulation (PP) No. 21 of 2024 was hastily launched, even though the implementation of Tapera was not fully prepared.

"In my personal opinion, if it's not ready, why rush it," said Basuki when met at the House of Representatives building on Thursday (6/6).

Basuki explained that the Tapera Law has indeed been issued since 2016. However, he and Finance Minister Sri Mulyani, as the Tapera Committee, deliberately requested the implementation of Tapera to be postponed until 2027, as the policy was considered immature.

Both are also ready to listen to input from various parties, including the House of Representatives, if this policy needs to be evaluated and postponed from 2027. Nevertheless, he said the decision on Tapera's stipulation will still refer to the Law and wait for the readiness of the community.

"It will still happen. It depends on the decision, this is the Law. Why should we clash like this," Basuki explained.

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Previously, the People's Housing Savings Management Agency (BP Tapera) said it did not yet have a clear picture of when the Tapera program contributions would be made.

BP Tapera Commissioner, Heru Pudyo Nugroho, said that the company he leads was only established in 2019, or five years ago. Therefore, they are still building public trust in BP Tapera.

"There are no plans for new membership collection (contributions) for both civil servants and non-civil servants," he said in a press conference in Jakarta on Wednesday (5/6).

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Meanwhile, the Director General of the Treasury of the Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu), Astera Primanto Bhakti, said that the Tapera program still requires further rules related to its implementation.

According to him, Finance Minister (Menkeu) Sri Mulyani will issue rules regarding the withdrawal of contributions to civil servants.

"The Finance Minister has not issued this because we know this is a fund management institution that cannot suddenly settle. The current condition is still in preparation so we still don't know when civil servants (will be charged contributions), because it's still a long way to go to implement it," he concluded.

Editor: Syamsul Azhar