JAKARTA. The Maritime Security Board (Bakamla), together with the Australian Border Protection Service, will hold the 6th Maritime security Desktop Exercise in Yogyakarta to strengthen coordination on preventing crime among international maritime stakeholders. As many as 18 countries, including China, East Timor, Hong Kong, Japan, Maladewa, Malaysia, Sri Langka, and the Philippines, will attend the three-day forum, starting on March 30. “The event also aims to discuss crimes in the maritime sector, including trafficking, illegal fishing, and drug smuggling,” the head of Bakamla's information division, Col. Edi Fernandi, told The Jakarta Post in Jakarta on Wednesday.
RI, Australia to hold maritime security forum
JAKARTA. The Maritime Security Board (Bakamla), together with the Australian Border Protection Service, will hold the 6th Maritime security Desktop Exercise in Yogyakarta to strengthen coordination on preventing crime among international maritime stakeholders. As many as 18 countries, including China, East Timor, Hong Kong, Japan, Maladewa, Malaysia, Sri Langka, and the Philippines, will attend the three-day forum, starting on March 30. “The event also aims to discuss crimes in the maritime sector, including trafficking, illegal fishing, and drug smuggling,” the head of Bakamla's information division, Col. Edi Fernandi, told The Jakarta Post in Jakarta on Wednesday.