RIM introduces Blackberry 10 platform

RIM introduces Blackberry 10 platform

JAKARTA. Research in Motion (RIM) is in town to promote its upcoming Blackberry 10 operating system to local developers.

According to Hasting Singh, RIM South Asia’s managing director, the local event was part of the Candaian-based Smartphone maker’s “Blackberry 10 Jam World Tour” event.

"The Blackberry 10 Jam World Tour gives us the opportunity to get involved directly with developers in Jakarta," he said.

Alex Saunders, RIM’s vice president for developer relations, said that Indonesia had a pool of talented developers.

"The aim of the Blackberry 10 Jam is to make sure that our developer community worldwide has the necessary range of resources and support in preparing applications for the upcoming release of Blackberry 10," Saunders said.

RIM announced that it would again push the launch of Blackberry 10 to next year, lengthening the list of woes of the company has recently suffered, including layoffs and plunging stock prices.

The Blackberry 10 Jam World Tour will move on to Sydney, Australia on July 12. (Mariel Grazella/ The Jakarta Post)

Editor: Edy Can