Ruhut, commission leadership is no joke

JAKARTA. Members of the House of Representatives Commission III overseeing legal affairs joined in opposition against the appointment of a controversial Democratic Party politician as the commission’s chairman. Many commission members criticized the Democratic Party’s decision to install Ruhut Sitompul as chairman of the key commission, saying that not only could the decision compromise the credibility of the House but it had turned the commission into a farce. Commission member Ahmad Yani of the United Development Party (PPP) said that they refused to accept Ruhut’s leadership saying “Commission III will turn to be a commission of clowns.” “The [Democratic Party] faction should have examined [Ruhut’s suitability]. Commission III is a prestigious commission because it oversees legal issues. Can you imagine what would happen to the commission if it was led by someone who acts like a clown?” Yani told reporters. Separately, fellow Commission III member Syarifuddin Sudding concurred with Yani, saying that “Ruhut doesn’t deserve to lead Commission III”. “A dynamic commission such as Commission III needs a chairman with character. I personally think that he lacks the qualities to lead Commission III,” Sudding said. Sudding further hinted that members of Commission III would challenge Ruhut’s appointment using an internal regulation on the legislative bodies’ structure and composition, known as the MD3 Law, which requires the approval of members for the appointment of leaders within the House. Some members of Commission III including Yani and Syarifuddin had apparently changed their position regarding Ruhut’s leadership. Last month, several Commission III members had supported Ruhut in his apparent struggle with leader of the party’s faction at the House, Nurhayati Ali Assegaf, when he claimed the Democratic Party was set to elect him to replace I Gede Pasek Suardika, a claim that Nurhayati repeatedly rejected. Pasek was removed from his position in the party and in the House after attending the declaration of a new organization chaired by ousted Democratic Party chairman Anas Urbaningrum. Pasek is a known ally of Anas. Ruhut, a former Golkar Party politician, is a die-hard supporter of Democratic Party chairman President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono. The politician, known for his comedic roles in several soap operas, had frequently faced trouble from being outspoken. In 2009, he was caught on camera making a racist comment about people of Arabic descent — “Arabs have never done anything to help Indonesia” — during a discussion with Fuad Bawazier, former finance minster and director general of taxes who is of Arab descent. Also in 2009, he received condemnation for making yet another racist remark, this time against economist Kwik Kian Gie. He referred to him as a “Chinese fella”. In spite of his controversial statements, however, Ruhut has never been implicated in graft or other scandals. Ruhut said that his strong commitment against corruption could be the reason behind the chorus of rejections. “Anybody who refuses to be led by me [in Commission III] might be cautious that I will do something about their alleged involvement in graft cases. I’m Ruhut Sitompul. I am not afraid of anybody from within the Democratic Party, let alone from outside the party,” Ruhut said. (Margareth S. Aritonang)
