JAKARTA. The rupiah exchange rate traded among banks in Jakarta on Tuesday afternoon weakened by nine points to Rp 12,722 per US dollar from Rp 12,713. Bank Himpunan Saudara financial market analyst Rully Nova said in Jakarta on Tuesday that external sentiments were the main factor of the weakening of rupiah against the US dollar, along with the US economic data that tended to be positive so that financial market players expected a Fed rate increase that was faster than predicted. “The market players previously predicted that the Fed rate will increase in the mid of 2015; however, it can happen faster if US economic improvements were sustainable,” said Rully.
“If the interest rate increases, this will open an opportunity for a bigger yield in the US,” the analyst added. Nevertheless, Rully said, Bank Indonesia (BI) still safeguarded the rupiah to fluctuate within a range that was not too wide, considering that the amount of Indonesia’s foreign currency reserve was still quite large and could be used for monetary control. The country’s foreign currency reserve was recorded to reach US$111.14 billion at the end of November.