KONTAN.CO.ID - JAKARTA. Satgas Waspada Investasi menghentikan 168 fintech peer to peer (P2P) lending ilegal alias yang tidak terdaftar di Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK). Berikut ini adalah nama, nama platform, dan alamat website 168 fintech ilegal tersebut: 1. Yuanzhiyan (ALI Uang) - http://aliuang.net/ 2. Apelbox (apelbox) – https://dompetika.com/privacy.html 3. kalya apps (Approved loans) - http://loans.kenyanexams.com/privacy-policy/ 4. govinda les (Ayo Cepat Cair) - http://www.cemaratinggi.id/pr otocol.html 5. Ayokasbon (Ayo Kasbon) - https://slip-gaji- id.com/privacy.html 6. Flakes Bragg (Ayo Rupiah) - http://senangceria.ink/ayocred o 7. Mobiunique LLC (Bad credit loans) - https://mobiunique.com/ 8. tang jian (Badak Kilat) - https://haplmoa.akkilat.com/p rivacy.html 9. Augusta Langille (BayarHelper) 10. Trex (Blue Kilat) - http://phnumteck.com/privacy.html 11. Creative Studio .Co (Bos Tunai) 12. UKDS (Bunga Merah) - https://mudahcaseid.com/priv acy.html 13. Testcoco (Bursa Pinjaman) - http://www.bursapinjaman.id/ privacy.html 14. Dompet Gede (Cahayamu) 15. Antonietta Grandon (Camel Worm - UTunai & Kredit) - http://tokovips.oss-ap- southeast- 1.aliyuncs.com/camelworm/pri vacy.html 16. Carlos HARRELL (Cash Kita) - https://www.cashkita.online 17. Jackma (Cashbus) - https://www.cashbus.id/privac y.html 18. Rocket Studio Ltd. (Cashe) 19. liuxin1231liu @gmail.com (Ccash uang) 20. Michael Calvin (cepatdompetyuk) - https://danayuk.com/privacy.h tml 21. Rocket Studio Ltd. (Dana Cepat) 22. Dana Cepat Online (Dana Cepat Online) - http://api.uangyn.com/web/po licy?app_no=Ei 23. tyree Leonguerrero (Dana Cepat) - https://prod-ksp-pub.oss-ap- southeast- 5.aliyuncs.com/KreditQAgreem ents/KreditQKebijakanPrivasi.h tml 24. Rama Hapeman (Dana online) - http://ddol.mwlvns.xyz/prolicy/ddol.html 25. Komala (Dana Pinjamlah) - https://api.smalldebit.club/sta tic/html/pinjamlah- privacy.html 26. DanaRing (Dana Ring) - https://danaringgo.com/ 27. uang Jajan (Dana Simpanan) - https://www.danasimpanan.on line 28. PT. Dana Teman (Dana Teman) - http://www.mrtunai.com/ 29. PT. Dana GO (DanaGO!) - http://app.mrtunai.com/ 30. TonyV (Dolang) - https://cash-coll.e- dolang.com/privacy.html 31. Indohw (Dompet Mini) 32. Lakeyla Harmer (Dompet Pinjaman) 33. ArchardGoudr ez (Dompet Shell) - http://static.dompetshell.com/ protocol/dompetshell.html 34. Ashkar Pillion (Dompet Tunai) - https://cash- api.miyidai.cn/privacy_policy/i ndex/Pinjaman_Ke_Sekolah.ht ml 35. Uangtunai (Dompet Uang) - http://static.dompetshell.com/ protocol/dompetshell.html 36. janice.er (DompetKucing) - https://dompetkucing.com/ 37. dofu dma uang (DoUang) - https://idouang.com/ 38. Alexander201 9 (Duit Kentang) -http://indonesia-yjd.oss-ap- southeast- 5.aliyuncs.com/agreement/Dui tKentang/private_app.html 39. Duit Petir (Duit Petir) - https://duitpetir.com/ 40. Oliva (duit plus) - https://handduitplus.com/ 41. Green Paper (Dunia Uang) - http://www.duniauang.id/priva cy.html 42. Farvic Developers (Easy Loans International Loans No Stress) - https://www.blogger.com/u/1/ blogger.g?blogID=54681869974 10420510#editor/target=post;p ostID=5384526761843663960;onPublishedMenu=allposts;onClo sedMenu=allposts;postNum=1;s rc=postname 43. Pinjaman uang cepat (Easy Uang Pro) 44. Roxann Chronister (EasyPinjaman) 45. EDana Pinjaman (Edana Pinjaman) - https://edana.asia/ 46. ru-soft (Epesi Loans) 47. ANOTE (Getcash) - http://www.getcash.id 48. Kredit Panda (GetUang) 49. GoGo Info (Go Saldo) - policy.html 50. Go Dompet (GoDompet) - http://www.godompet.com/ 51. Kredit Panda (GoKredit) 52. Carl.powell (HappyDana) 53. HidupID (HidupID) - https://hidupid.com/privacy.ht ml 54. pinjam_idana (iDana7) - http://www.intidana.com/priva cy.html 55. fep group (Idkota) - https://api.indkota.com/Conte nt/Content/agreement 56. WePay Group (Just WePay) - https://justwepay.com/ 57. Elois Blakes (KamiBantu) - http://www.ktakilat.com/kebija kan_privasi.html 58. Keiana CROSBY (Kilat Kredit) 59. Fajar Rhamdhani (Kita Patungan) 60. Herman Studio (KLIK KREDIT) 61. Ping wang (Kotak Pinjaman) - https://m.kotakpinjaman.xyz/s ervice_privacy/service_privacy. html 62. Easy Kredit (Kredit Cepat) - https://s3-us-west- 1.amazonaws.com/static-page- 0d-eefb-63f8/reg- agreement.htm 63. tyree Leonguerrero (Kredit King) - http://rupiaha.mnxbw.xyz/prol icy/rupiah.html 64. Kredit Murah (Kredit Murah) - https://krcutmurah.com/ 65. hydrocool, Inc (Kredit Tanpa Ribet) 66. kredit tunai (kredit tunai) - http://api.ynuang.com/web/po li 67. PT JDR ID (Kredit Tunai - Cepat Kas) - http://d.lamantou.cn/KreditTu nai/index.html 68. KreditCepat (Kredit Uang) - http://yun.tokendis.com/loanS upermarket/UangcashAgreeme nt.html 69. Kredit (Kredit Uang) 70. Gimlin Guzman (KreditCash) - https://xjahd.happyuang.com/ kreditCash/agreement/privacy. Html 71. MartDeveloper (kreditmart) - http://api.birumobi.com/kredit mart/privacypolicy.html 72. Chloehuang (KreditPro) - https://874b69.cashat4.com/k reditPro/agreement/privacy.ht ml 73. Kredol F1 (Kredol) - http://api.kredol.com/static/ht ml/kredol-privacy.html 74. Quanta Megah Indonesia (Kredol Plus) - https://journey.kredol.com/sta tic/html/kredolplus- privacy.html 75. Belle Chiang (Krepedia) - http://www.home.krepedia.com/privacy-policy.html 76. Toocan Studios (KTA Kilat) 77. Bright Corp (KTA Pinjaman Pilihan) - https://kellycharize.blogspot.co m/2018/11/kta-pinjaman- pilihan.html 78. LIU shengbin (libra ku) - http://fazzc.com 79. Qiudong (Loan Kilat) 80. MauUang Group (Mau Uang) - https://mauuang.asia/policy 81. JadiDuit (Mitra Jadiduit) - https://jadiduit.co.id/ 82. Siska (Modal Bisnis) - https://siskapublisher.blogspot.com/2018/12/privacy- policy.html 83. MONEED GLOBAL LIMITED (MoNeed) - http://www.moneed.net/ 84. Mudah Uang (Mudah Uang) - https://cash- api.jiehuahua.com/web/index. html?channel=HFnfYD 85. Fastesttech (MyNeed) - https://www.formyneed.com/M yNeed/home 86. Wangximeng (mytunai) - https://umytunai.com/ 87. PT Samudera Emas Sejahtera (Ngebon) - http://ngebon.co.id:8888/static/html/register/index.html?sour ce=fcysms 88. Farvic Developers (Okoa Loans Instant Cash) 89. Chloe Li Ying (OneDompet) - https://0d2f4e.cashaa1.com/o neDompet/agreement/privacy. html 90. Payday Advance | Online Loans| Bad Credit LoansKeuangan (Online PayDay Loans - Bad credit loans) - http://counseloronline25.simpl esite.com/ 91. Panda cash (Panda Cash) - https://panda-cash.com/ 92. Liujingjing (Pasti Cepat) 93. Cred24 (Payday loan comparison) - http://cred24.com/privacy.txt 94. ??? (PCASH - Pinjam Uang) - https://platplat.oss-cn- shanghai.aliyuncs.com/static/p rivacy_jqks.html 95. Madison (Petir Pinjaman) - https://home.g- cashing.com/privacy- policy.html 96. Kiiutuyuiu (Pinjam Beres Rp) - mBeresRp/service/privacy- ina.html 97. Lakeyla Harmer (Pinjam Cash) 98. Sick Heinsohn (Pinjam Cepat) - https://www.pinjamuang.id/pri vacy.html 99. leslie lee (Pinjam Dong! ) - http://www.danaok.id/privacy. html 100. Lakeyla Harmer (Pinjam Petir) - 101. Nagel Kinkaid (Pinjam rupiah- Dompet Cash) 102. Pinjam Segera (Pinjam Segera) 103. J LUNAS (Pinjam tunai) - https://jalunas.blogspot.com/2 018/11/pinjam-tunai- kebijakan-privasi.html 104. Keunbaelah (Pinjam Uang Cepat) 105. Bradley Hough (Pinjam Uang Cepat) 106. Loppid Ostudio (Pinjam Uang- Cepat Online) - http://dyms.cmvngeuvq.xyz/pr olicy/dyms.html 107. Lakeyla Harmer (Pinjam Uang Mudah) - http://static.cintauang.com/pr otocol/cintauang.html 108. Rayonna Smelcer (Pinjam Uang Petir) 109. BANKKU – PINJAM UANG dan SIMPAN UANGKeuangan (Pinjam Uang Tunai Kredit Dana Rupiah & Simpan Uang) - https://bankku.co.id/ 110. Big Virgo App (Pinjam Yuk) 111. Lakeyla Harmer (Pinjaman Cash) - https://api.smalldebit.club/sta tic/html/pinjamlah- privacy.html 112. PT. Peta (Pinjaman Cepat - UTunai & Kredit) - https://tokovips.oss-ap- southeast- 1.aliyuncs.com/UTunai/privacy.html 113. SABR DEV (Pinjaman Dana Extra Tunai) - https://sinsslowlykilltheheart.b logspot.com/2018/11/pinjama n-ekstra.html 114. Gardner V (Pinjaman Kilat) - http://j.mp/2EAC3ey 115. Discrovriday Inc (Pinjaman KUR BRI) 116. KUR BRI (Pinjaman Modal KUR BRI Online 2018) 117. Waldman HAMMOND (Pinjaman modal) - mBeresPro/service/privacy- ina.html 118. Lakeyla Harmer (Pinjaman Nyata) - artuLink/service/privacy- ina.html 119. pInJaMaN oKe (Pinjaman Pribadi) 120. Ggcnt Game (Pinjaman Rupiah) - http://rupiaha.mnxbw.xyz/prol icy/rupiah.html 121. tunai dana (Pinjaman tunai) - http://nas.gogodana.com/proto colgg.html 122. Laia Domenech Apps (Pinjaman uang bayaran, kredit cepat, uang tunai) - mailto:laiadomenechmartin@gm ail.com 123. Dompet Uang (Pinjaman ACC) - http://t.cn/EbUhtQP 124. Gopinyomi (Pinjiaman Plus) 125. Pianiaman (Pinjol Cepat) - http://www.pinjolcepat.id/priv acy.html 126. Swiftpay Invest (Platinum Mobile Loans) 127. Pocket rp (Pocket UP) - https://idpocketup.com/ 128. TG.Data (PopCash) - https://popcash-cash.com/ 129. Power Indo (Power Indo) - https://moneyflash1.com 130. Ragam Cash Fintech (Ragam Cash) - https://www.official.ragamcash.com/privacy-policy.html 131. Kulman Digitech (Rupiah Cepat Cair) - s/fnbaru/kreditpintar/ 132. Ultramilk (rupiah flash pro) - 133. Pinjem Duwit (Rupiah Mudah) - http://duniaplus.id/privacy.ht ml 134. Rupiah online (Rupiah Online) - http://yun.tokendis.com/loanS upermarket/UangcashAgreeme nt.html 135. MAX One (Sahabat_Kredit) 136. Hangershi (Sangat-Cepat) - https://sangatcepats.com/ 137. Seperti kehidupan (Seperti kehidupan) - https://hidup- penuh.com/privacy.html 138. indo_jy (Sinar365) 139. Solusi Hidup (Solusi Hidup) - https://www.shtrek.com/privac y-policy.html 140. Indo aplikasi center (Solusi Kebutuhan) - policy.html 141. hydrocool, Inc (Solusi Pinjaman Uang) 142. Teng Endicott (SpareUang) - https://xalsk.happycepet.com/ spareUang/agreement/privacy. Html 143. Sunshine Loan (Sunshine Loan) - https://meeyn.com/ 144. AfiqaDev (Tabel Pinjaman Bunga Ringan BRI) 145. Tangjinyang (Toko Tunai X) - https://tokotunaix.com/ 146. tuku cash (Tuku Kas) - https://tukucash.com/ 147. EllenHarris (TunaiLangsung) - http://indonesia-yjd.oss-ap- southeast- 5.aliyuncs.com/agreement/Tun aiLangsung/private_app.html 148. Uang Bank (Uang Bank) - https://cash- api.miyidai.cn/privacy_policy/i ndex/Uang_Bank.html 149. Drusilla Dickenson (Uang Bersama) 150. Alanmk07 (Uang Cepat) 151. Larissa Morales (Uang Cepat) - http://nas.gogodana.com/proto colgg.html 152. Uang Jajan (Uang Jajan) - https://www.bestuangjajan.co m/ 153. Peng (Uang Kredit) - http://yun.tokendis.com/loanS upermarket/UangcashAgreeme nt.html 154. Semangat 45, PT (Uang Pinjaman) 155. CashTaxi (Uang Plus) - http://indonesia-yjd.oss-ap- southeast- 5.aliyuncs.com/agreement/Tun aiLangsung/private_app.html 156. Sleepmaker (uang plus) 157. gtdeyo player (Utang Dulu) - http://www.utangdulu.id/priva cy.html 158. Hudha Art (Utangan) - https://miftakhulhudha.gitlab.i o/utangan-privacy-policy/ 159. PT sinar (UTunai & Kredit) - https://tokovips.oss-ap- southeast- 1.aliyuncs.com/utuai/privacy.h tml 160. Victor Game (Wall In) 161. Jadwiga Kedem (wall in) 162. Apple Candy Game (Wall In) 163. Kremer JORDAN (Wall In) 164. Upson Trainor (Wall in) - http://daichao.gokredit.co.id/? s=api/Protocol/privacyPolicy&a pp_channel=9 165. YALONDA Hamilton (Wall In plus) 166. Yoloyolo (YoloYolo) - https://yoloyolotech.com/priva cy.html 167. Mangolaku (Mangolaku) 168. CreditOn (CreditOn) – Crediton.id
Satgas Waspada Investasi setop 168 fintech ilegal, berikut daftar lengkapnya
KONTAN.CO.ID - JAKARTA. Satgas Waspada Investasi menghentikan 168 fintech peer to peer (P2P) lending ilegal alias yang tidak terdaftar di Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK). Berikut ini adalah nama, nama platform, dan alamat website 168 fintech ilegal tersebut: 1. Yuanzhiyan (ALI Uang) - http://aliuang.net/ 2. Apelbox (apelbox) – https://dompetika.com/privacy.html 3. kalya apps (Approved loans) - http://loans.kenyanexams.com/privacy-policy/ 4. govinda les (Ayo Cepat Cair) - http://www.cemaratinggi.id/pr otocol.html 5. Ayokasbon (Ayo Kasbon) - https://slip-gaji- id.com/privacy.html 6. Flakes Bragg (Ayo Rupiah) - http://senangceria.ink/ayocred o 7. Mobiunique LLC (Bad credit loans) - https://mobiunique.com/ 8. tang jian (Badak Kilat) - https://haplmoa.akkilat.com/p rivacy.html 9. Augusta Langille (BayarHelper) 10. Trex (Blue Kilat) - http://phnumteck.com/privacy.html 11. Creative Studio .Co (Bos Tunai) 12. UKDS (Bunga Merah) - https://mudahcaseid.com/priv acy.html 13. Testcoco (Bursa Pinjaman) - http://www.bursapinjaman.id/ privacy.html 14. Dompet Gede (Cahayamu) 15. Antonietta Grandon (Camel Worm - UTunai & Kredit) - http://tokovips.oss-ap- southeast- 1.aliyuncs.com/camelworm/pri vacy.html 16. Carlos HARRELL (Cash Kita) - https://www.cashkita.online 17. Jackma (Cashbus) - https://www.cashbus.id/privac y.html 18. Rocket Studio Ltd. (Cashe) 19. liuxin1231liu @gmail.com (Ccash uang) 20. Michael Calvin (cepatdompetyuk) - https://danayuk.com/privacy.h tml 21. Rocket Studio Ltd. (Dana Cepat) 22. Dana Cepat Online (Dana Cepat Online) - http://api.uangyn.com/web/po licy?app_no=Ei 23. tyree Leonguerrero (Dana Cepat) - https://prod-ksp-pub.oss-ap- southeast- 5.aliyuncs.com/KreditQAgreem ents/KreditQKebijakanPrivasi.h tml 24. Rama Hapeman (Dana online) - http://ddol.mwlvns.xyz/prolicy/ddol.html 25. Komala (Dana Pinjamlah) - https://api.smalldebit.club/sta tic/html/pinjamlah- privacy.html 26. DanaRing (Dana Ring) - https://danaringgo.com/ 27. uang Jajan (Dana Simpanan) - https://www.danasimpanan.on line 28. PT. Dana Teman (Dana Teman) - http://www.mrtunai.com/ 29. PT. Dana GO (DanaGO!) - http://app.mrtunai.com/ 30. TonyV (Dolang) - https://cash-coll.e- dolang.com/privacy.html 31. Indohw (Dompet Mini) 32. Lakeyla Harmer (Dompet Pinjaman) 33. ArchardGoudr ez (Dompet Shell) - http://static.dompetshell.com/ protocol/dompetshell.html 34. Ashkar Pillion (Dompet Tunai) - https://cash- api.miyidai.cn/privacy_policy/i ndex/Pinjaman_Ke_Sekolah.ht ml 35. Uangtunai (Dompet Uang) - http://static.dompetshell.com/ protocol/dompetshell.html 36. janice.er (DompetKucing) - https://dompetkucing.com/ 37. dofu dma uang (DoUang) - https://idouang.com/ 38. Alexander201 9 (Duit Kentang) -http://indonesia-yjd.oss-ap- southeast- 5.aliyuncs.com/agreement/Dui tKentang/private_app.html 39. Duit Petir (Duit Petir) - https://duitpetir.com/ 40. Oliva (duit plus) - https://handduitplus.com/ 41. Green Paper (Dunia Uang) - http://www.duniauang.id/priva cy.html 42. Farvic Developers (Easy Loans International Loans No Stress) - https://www.blogger.com/u/1/ blogger.g?blogID=54681869974 10420510#editor/target=post;p ostID=5384526761843663960;onPublishedMenu=allposts;onClo sedMenu=allposts;postNum=1;s rc=postname 43. Pinjaman uang cepat (Easy Uang Pro) 44. Roxann Chronister (EasyPinjaman) 45. EDana Pinjaman (Edana Pinjaman) - https://edana.asia/ 46. ru-soft (Epesi Loans) 47. ANOTE (Getcash) - http://www.getcash.id 48. Kredit Panda (GetUang) 49. GoGo Info (Go Saldo) - policy.html 50. Go Dompet (GoDompet) - http://www.godompet.com/ 51. Kredit Panda (GoKredit) 52. Carl.powell (HappyDana) 53. HidupID (HidupID) - https://hidupid.com/privacy.ht ml 54. pinjam_idana (iDana7) - http://www.intidana.com/priva cy.html 55. fep group (Idkota) - https://api.indkota.com/Conte nt/Content/agreement 56. WePay Group (Just WePay) - https://justwepay.com/ 57. Elois Blakes (KamiBantu) - http://www.ktakilat.com/kebija kan_privasi.html 58. Keiana CROSBY (Kilat Kredit) 59. Fajar Rhamdhani (Kita Patungan) 60. Herman Studio (KLIK KREDIT) 61. Ping wang (Kotak Pinjaman) - https://m.kotakpinjaman.xyz/s ervice_privacy/service_privacy. html 62. Easy Kredit (Kredit Cepat) - https://s3-us-west- 1.amazonaws.com/static-page- 0d-eefb-63f8/reg- agreement.htm 63. tyree Leonguerrero (Kredit King) - http://rupiaha.mnxbw.xyz/prol icy/rupiah.html 64. Kredit Murah (Kredit Murah) - https://krcutmurah.com/ 65. hydrocool, Inc (Kredit Tanpa Ribet) 66. kredit tunai (kredit tunai) - http://api.ynuang.com/web/po li 67. PT JDR ID (Kredit Tunai - Cepat Kas) - http://d.lamantou.cn/KreditTu nai/index.html 68. KreditCepat (Kredit Uang) - http://yun.tokendis.com/loanS upermarket/UangcashAgreeme nt.html 69. Kredit (Kredit Uang) 70. Gimlin Guzman (KreditCash) - https://xjahd.happyuang.com/ kreditCash/agreement/privacy. Html 71. MartDeveloper (kreditmart) - http://api.birumobi.com/kredit mart/privacypolicy.html 72. Chloehuang (KreditPro) - https://874b69.cashat4.com/k reditPro/agreement/privacy.ht ml 73. Kredol F1 (Kredol) - http://api.kredol.com/static/ht ml/kredol-privacy.html 74. Quanta Megah Indonesia (Kredol Plus) - https://journey.kredol.com/sta tic/html/kredolplus- privacy.html 75. Belle Chiang (Krepedia) - http://www.home.krepedia.com/privacy-policy.html 76. Toocan Studios (KTA Kilat) 77. Bright Corp (KTA Pinjaman Pilihan) - https://kellycharize.blogspot.co m/2018/11/kta-pinjaman- pilihan.html 78. LIU shengbin (libra ku) - http://fazzc.com 79. Qiudong (Loan Kilat) 80. MauUang Group (Mau Uang) - https://mauuang.asia/policy 81. JadiDuit (Mitra Jadiduit) - https://jadiduit.co.id/ 82. Siska (Modal Bisnis) - https://siskapublisher.blogspot.com/2018/12/privacy- policy.html 83. MONEED GLOBAL LIMITED (MoNeed) - http://www.moneed.net/ 84. Mudah Uang (Mudah Uang) - https://cash- api.jiehuahua.com/web/index. html?channel=HFnfYD 85. Fastesttech (MyNeed) - https://www.formyneed.com/M yNeed/home 86. Wangximeng (mytunai) - https://umytunai.com/ 87. PT Samudera Emas Sejahtera (Ngebon) - http://ngebon.co.id:8888/static/html/register/index.html?sour ce=fcysms 88. Farvic Developers (Okoa Loans Instant Cash) 89. Chloe Li Ying (OneDompet) - https://0d2f4e.cashaa1.com/o neDompet/agreement/privacy. html 90. Payday Advance | Online Loans| Bad Credit LoansKeuangan (Online PayDay Loans - Bad credit loans) - http://counseloronline25.simpl esite.com/ 91. Panda cash (Panda Cash) - https://panda-cash.com/ 92. Liujingjing (Pasti Cepat) 93. Cred24 (Payday loan comparison) - http://cred24.com/privacy.txt 94. ??? (PCASH - Pinjam Uang) - https://platplat.oss-cn- shanghai.aliyuncs.com/static/p rivacy_jqks.html 95. Madison (Petir Pinjaman) - https://home.g- cashing.com/privacy- policy.html 96. Kiiutuyuiu (Pinjam Beres Rp) - mBeresRp/service/privacy- ina.html 97. Lakeyla Harmer (Pinjam Cash) 98. Sick Heinsohn (Pinjam Cepat) - https://www.pinjamuang.id/pri vacy.html 99. leslie lee (Pinjam Dong! ) - http://www.danaok.id/privacy. html 100. Lakeyla Harmer (Pinjam Petir) - 101. Nagel Kinkaid (Pinjam rupiah- Dompet Cash) 102. Pinjam Segera (Pinjam Segera) 103. J LUNAS (Pinjam tunai) - https://jalunas.blogspot.com/2 018/11/pinjam-tunai- kebijakan-privasi.html 104. Keunbaelah (Pinjam Uang Cepat) 105. Bradley Hough (Pinjam Uang Cepat) 106. Loppid Ostudio (Pinjam Uang- Cepat Online) - http://dyms.cmvngeuvq.xyz/pr olicy/dyms.html 107. Lakeyla Harmer (Pinjam Uang Mudah) - http://static.cintauang.com/pr otocol/cintauang.html 108. Rayonna Smelcer (Pinjam Uang Petir) 109. BANKKU – PINJAM UANG dan SIMPAN UANGKeuangan (Pinjam Uang Tunai Kredit Dana Rupiah & Simpan Uang) - https://bankku.co.id/ 110. Big Virgo App (Pinjam Yuk) 111. Lakeyla Harmer (Pinjaman Cash) - https://api.smalldebit.club/sta tic/html/pinjamlah- privacy.html 112. PT. Peta (Pinjaman Cepat - UTunai & Kredit) - https://tokovips.oss-ap- southeast- 1.aliyuncs.com/UTunai/privacy.html 113. SABR DEV (Pinjaman Dana Extra Tunai) - https://sinsslowlykilltheheart.b logspot.com/2018/11/pinjama n-ekstra.html 114. Gardner V (Pinjaman Kilat) - http://j.mp/2EAC3ey 115. Discrovriday Inc (Pinjaman KUR BRI) 116. KUR BRI (Pinjaman Modal KUR BRI Online 2018) 117. Waldman HAMMOND (Pinjaman modal) - mBeresPro/service/privacy- ina.html 118. Lakeyla Harmer (Pinjaman Nyata) - artuLink/service/privacy- ina.html 119. pInJaMaN oKe (Pinjaman Pribadi) 120. Ggcnt Game (Pinjaman Rupiah) - http://rupiaha.mnxbw.xyz/prol icy/rupiah.html 121. tunai dana (Pinjaman tunai) - http://nas.gogodana.com/proto colgg.html 122. Laia Domenech Apps (Pinjaman uang bayaran, kredit cepat, uang tunai) - mailto:laiadomenechmartin@gm ail.com 123. Dompet Uang (Pinjaman ACC) - http://t.cn/EbUhtQP 124. Gopinyomi (Pinjiaman Plus) 125. Pianiaman (Pinjol Cepat) - http://www.pinjolcepat.id/priv acy.html 126. Swiftpay Invest (Platinum Mobile Loans) 127. Pocket rp (Pocket UP) - https://idpocketup.com/ 128. TG.Data (PopCash) - https://popcash-cash.com/ 129. Power Indo (Power Indo) - https://moneyflash1.com 130. Ragam Cash Fintech (Ragam Cash) - https://www.official.ragamcash.com/privacy-policy.html 131. Kulman Digitech (Rupiah Cepat Cair) - s/fnbaru/kreditpintar/ 132. Ultramilk (rupiah flash pro) - 133. Pinjem Duwit (Rupiah Mudah) - http://duniaplus.id/privacy.ht ml 134. Rupiah online (Rupiah Online) - http://yun.tokendis.com/loanS upermarket/UangcashAgreeme nt.html 135. MAX One (Sahabat_Kredit) 136. Hangershi (Sangat-Cepat) - https://sangatcepats.com/ 137. Seperti kehidupan (Seperti kehidupan) - https://hidup- penuh.com/privacy.html 138. indo_jy (Sinar365) 139. Solusi Hidup (Solusi Hidup) - https://www.shtrek.com/privac y-policy.html 140. Indo aplikasi center (Solusi Kebutuhan) - policy.html 141. hydrocool, Inc (Solusi Pinjaman Uang) 142. Teng Endicott (SpareUang) - https://xalsk.happycepet.com/ spareUang/agreement/privacy. Html 143. Sunshine Loan (Sunshine Loan) - https://meeyn.com/ 144. AfiqaDev (Tabel Pinjaman Bunga Ringan BRI) 145. Tangjinyang (Toko Tunai X) - https://tokotunaix.com/ 146. tuku cash (Tuku Kas) - https://tukucash.com/ 147. EllenHarris (TunaiLangsung) - http://indonesia-yjd.oss-ap- southeast- 5.aliyuncs.com/agreement/Tun aiLangsung/private_app.html 148. Uang Bank (Uang Bank) - https://cash- api.miyidai.cn/privacy_policy/i ndex/Uang_Bank.html 149. Drusilla Dickenson (Uang Bersama) 150. Alanmk07 (Uang Cepat) 151. Larissa Morales (Uang Cepat) - http://nas.gogodana.com/proto colgg.html 152. Uang Jajan (Uang Jajan) - https://www.bestuangjajan.co m/ 153. Peng (Uang Kredit) - http://yun.tokendis.com/loanS upermarket/UangcashAgreeme nt.html 154. Semangat 45, PT (Uang Pinjaman) 155. CashTaxi (Uang Plus) - http://indonesia-yjd.oss-ap- southeast- 5.aliyuncs.com/agreement/Tun aiLangsung/private_app.html 156. Sleepmaker (uang plus) 157. gtdeyo player (Utang Dulu) - http://www.utangdulu.id/priva cy.html 158. Hudha Art (Utangan) - https://miftakhulhudha.gitlab.i o/utangan-privacy-policy/ 159. PT sinar (UTunai & Kredit) - https://tokovips.oss-ap- southeast- 1.aliyuncs.com/utuai/privacy.h tml 160. Victor Game (Wall In) 161. Jadwiga Kedem (wall in) 162. Apple Candy Game (Wall In) 163. Kremer JORDAN (Wall In) 164. Upson Trainor (Wall in) - http://daichao.gokredit.co.id/? s=api/Protocol/privacyPolicy&a pp_channel=9 165. YALONDA Hamilton (Wall In plus) 166. Yoloyolo (YoloYolo) - https://yoloyolotech.com/priva cy.html 167. Mangolaku (Mangolaku) 168. CreditOn (CreditOn) – Crediton.id