Semen Indonesia (SMGR) Accelerates Renewable Energy Adoption Across Tuban Operations

KONTAN.CO.ID -  JAKARTA. PT Semen Indonesia Tbk (SIG) is increasingly active in adopting New and Renewable Energy (EBT) in all its operational areas as part of the company's sustainability strategy in reducing Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions.

SIG's subsidiary, PT Solusi Bangun Indonesia Tbk (SBI), supports this effort by using solar energy as an environmentally friendly alternative energy source at the Tuban Factory, East Java.

Indonesia has great potential in utilizing solar energy due to its location along the equator, with an average solar energy irradiation of about 4.80 kWh/m2/day. The Tuban Factory itself has solar energy irradiation above the national average, about 5.4 kWh/m2/day.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, SBI partnered with PT Energi Mitra Indika Tenaga Surya to develop a Solar Power Plant (PLTS) Roof that is connected to the existing electricity network, with an installed capacity of 6.39 MWp on ten building roofs.

Baca Juga: Semen Indonesia (SMGR) Kian Aktif Mengadopsi EBT di Semua Area Operasinya di Tuban

This PLTS Roof will be operated simultaneously with electricity from PLN to support some of the operational needs of the factory, office, and other supporting facilities at SBI Tuban Factory.

SBI's President Director, Lilik Unggul Raharjo, stated that the use of solar energy is part of their commitment to sustainable development, as well as improving the efficiency of electricity and thermal energy use.

"In addition, this project also contributes to the decarbonization that has been set by SIG to support government efforts in reducing the impact of global warming," he said in a press release as quoted on Saturday (17/2).

Vita Mahreyni, SIG's Corporate Secretary, added that the installation of solar panels at the Tuban Factory has been completed in several buildings and is expected to be fully operational in the third quarter of 2024.

Baca Juga: Semen Indonesia (SMGR) Cetak Kinerja Apik Hingga Kuartal III, Cek Pendorongnya

This will help SIG achieve its target of reducing GHG emission intensity scope 2 by 23.9% in 2030, as outlined in the SIG Sustainability Road Map.

SIG has also partnered with PT PLN for the development of Renewable Energy Power Plants in September 2023 to meet the electricity needs in its operational areas.

The company is also exploring initiatives to reduce GHG emission intensity scope 3, including through the use of electric vehicles for employee transportation and logistics activities.

Since the beginning of February 2024, SIG has been testing the operation of electric buses for employees at the Tuban Factory and testing the fleet of electric vehicles for logistics at the Narogong Factory.

The use of these electric vehicles is an extra step from SIG in reducing carbon emissions and the use of fossil energy to keep the environment sustainable.

Editor: Syamsul Azhar