Shenzhen mall in lockdown after coronavirus case

Shenzhen mall in lockdown after coronavirus case

KONTAN.CO.ID - SHENZHEN. The IBC Mall in Shenzhen's Luohu district was sealed off and under police supervision on Friday evening, with around 200 people queuing outside waiting for COVID-19 tests from medical personnel in protective suits.

An official Guangdong Health Commission WeChat account channel said the alert was prompted by a COVID-19 case at the mall.

The confirmed case was a 41-year-old woman who had been working inside the Alibaba-owned supermarket Freshippo as a temporary brand promotor until Aug. 2, according to a source familiar with the matter.

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The worker was diagnosed in her home city of Lufeng, in Guangdong, the commission said. Three of her family members also tested positive.

An outbreak in the city of Urumqi in the far western region of Xinjiang in July was thought to have originated with a mall worker.

On Monday, Shenzhen authorities announced three Chinese citizens returning to the southern city from Russia had tested positive for the virus while in quarantine.

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Editor: Wahyu T.Rahmawati