Yogyakarta, Surakarta airports still closed

YOGYAKARTA. The Adisucipto and Adi Sumarmo airports, respectively located in Yogyakarta and Surakarta have postponed their reopening to Wednesday and Thursday, again respectively.  The operators have said they need more time to clean up and check the condition of the airports.“We have been able to clean up around 95 percent of the airport. We are optimistic about being able to reopen the airport tomorrow, “Adisucipto International Airport’s general manager Andi G. Warson said on Tuesday.Besides cleaning up the airport, he went on, a joint team from airport operator PT Angkasa Pura I, the Air Force and the Flight Navigation Service Organizer Body (LPPNPI) would check the condition of all supporting equipment at the airports.He said the team had earlier checked on the lights and found they were in good condition.Rini Sri Ayu of Adi Sumarmo airport, said the operator would not take risks with safety to reopen the airport sooner than Thursday due to the unfinished clean-up and security checks.As with its counterparts in Yogyakarta, extensive checks jointly organized by the airport operator and the Air Force were still ongoing.Commenting on the delay, Governor Hamengku Buwono could not hide his disappointment, saying that the reopening of Adisucipto airport was crucial due to its role in the economic activities in the region.The governor, therefore, deployed reinforcements from the Yogyakarta fire service to provide assistance during the clean-up.  He hoped the firefighters could speed up the cleaning so the airport could be reopened soon.Both Yogyakarta and Surakarta are among the cities that have been affected by Mt. Kelud’s volcanic ash since Thursday night.  The administrations in both regions closed the airports on Friday.(krb/bcw/dic) (Bambang Muryanto and Kusumasari Ayuningtyas)

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Editor: Barratut Taqiyyah Rafie